Users create an account by entering a unique username or password. By checking the “new user??” box the user registers to apply for a new lifeAchiev account. Unchecking the box log’s the user into the application to start assessing their GPS data to potentially complete achievements.

Once the user has logged in, the application displays the lifeAlias of the user and their lifeScore so far. The application provides a simple interface of buttons to access the lifeAchiev scoreboards, friends and achievement listings.
The application periodically retrieves GPS data from the mobile device and submits it to online PHP scripts for calculations.
Upon meeting the criteria of an achievement, a user is awarded points and notified that a particular achievement has been unlocked. If the achievement has a prize reward with it, an optional ‘Prize awarded’ message is displayed with a redeemable code. This could be used to redeem on a promoters website to score discount coupons or prizes as additional incentives for completing objectives. Also, on the bottom left and right of the screen the interface gives the user their lifeRank (place ranking against every player of the game) and their friendRank (place ranked against just the users friends). The score display is intended to motivate users to strive for better and bigger scores, not only to be the best out of all lifeAchievers but especially to be best amongst their own social friend circles.

Clicking the scoreboard button on the main screen displays all the users scores, ranking them from first to last based on the current tallied lifeScores.
Clicking the ‘Friends’ button displays a users friend list. The application will order friends based on lifeScores and in itself acts as a personal social network score table.

Clicking the “add friend” from the friends screen button enables users to add more lifeAlias ID’s if they wish to add more.
Clicking a friends lifeAlias displays friends last update details. This displays their friends last known activity, the last lifeAchiev'ment completed and the points they were awarded. It also displays the total score obtained so far.
Clicking the achievements button on the main screen gives the list of achievements available to the user. The first screen asks the user to choose a type of achievement they wish to view.
Once a user selects a type of achievement to view, a list of achievements that fall under the selected category are displayed. If a user selects the ‘Friend’ achievement type, only achievements created by that users friends will be displayed, and only accessible to the valid user to whom the created achievement apply to. An asterix is displayed before the achievement to highlight which achievements a user has already completed.

Clicking on an achievement provides further details on how to complete the achievement. An achievement may also display that an achievement may be limited to a number of users to obtain. The above example has eighty achievers so far out of a possible one hundred displaying "Limited! 80/100 users awarded". Once this limit is hit the achievements are no longer obtainable and will display “Unavailable”. Additionally, if an achievement is unlocked and has a prize reward associated with it, the redeemable coupon will be re-displayed in the description notes for the user to access at a later, more convenient, time.
Creating Friend Achievements

As mentioned previously, users can log onto the liveAchiev website (http://bit.ly/byqF7e) to create achievements for them to share to users on their friends lists. A user simply needs to use their current lifeAchiev login and password to access their account. A name for the achievement can be created as well as GPS coordinates such as latitude, longitude, elevation, direction and speed parameters. The achievement can be limited to a number of friends and can be made as a group achievement, requiring more than one friend to attend the location and achieve the points. Friends achievements created can only score a maximum of 10 points per achievement. This stops achievement spamming to easily rise up the scoreboards but also rewards those who continuously make the effort to gain achievements amongst friends this way.
Once an achievement is created, only the friends associated with the user can view the achievement and description provided to them.
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